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Pupil Personnel Services

Office of Pupil Personnel Services


Pupil Personnel Services provides special education and 504 students with specially designed, high-quality instruction to enhance each student’s academic, social/emotional and behavioral development in the least restrictive environment.

A child's hand painted with vibrant colors, showcasing creativity and playfulness.




Our Mission

We believe in this work because our students deserve equitable experiences and learning opportunities that build upon their strengths, align with learning standards, and lead to improved outcomes.

We believe in having high expectations for all students and will improve our practices to better serve their educational needs.

Department Staff

Amy Martino - Director of Pupil Personnel Services 

Melissa Carbone - Supervisor, Elementary/Program Special Services 

Catherine Cassin - Supervisor, BAIMS & District PPS Service Oversight 

Courtney Decker - Supervisor, Out of District Students  

Molly Goodine - Supervisor, Elementary/Middle Special Services  

Jessica Lemos - Supervisor, Middle/High School Special Services  

Mikayla Pascucci-Wallace - Supervisor, Middle/High School Special Services  

Megan Riley - Dean of Students, Elementary and Magnet Special Services  

Courtney Sugarman - Supervisor, Early Childhood  

Hoda Mousa - Administrative Assistant  

Barbara Mahon - Administrative Assistant & Data Manager for CTSEDS  

Angie Greenier - Administrative Assistant  

Brooke LeFebvre - Administrative Assistant  

Justyna Trzesniewski - Administrative Assistant  

Melinda Coko - Administrative Assistant Pre-K

Cynthia Rogers - Administrative Assistant Pre-K

Empowering Students to Reach New Heights