March 7, 2025
Superintendent's Weekly Update
Good Afternoon, Please find my weekly update below. Have a great weekend. In partnership, Iris White Acting Superintendent of Schools Read Across America Day : This past Monday, I and members. . .
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Superintendent Weekly Update- February 28, 2025
Good Afternoon,
Please see my weekly update below. Have a wonderful weekend!
Clifton, Larson and Allen (CLA) Audit Report:
The next Board of Education Meeting will occur this Wednesday, March 5th, starting at 7:00 p.m. in the BOE Auditorium. The meeting will also be available by Zoom (login information is below). On the agenda will be an executive summary presentation by CLA on the significant findings and recommendations of the audit they conducted this fall. This audit was conducted at the request of the City Board of Finance to provide a review of BPS's financial processes. Their assessment was focused on the administrative oversight, management, controls, and financial processes for the BPS, with an additional accounting analysis and review of budget data for fiscal years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.
Topic: Regular BoE Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 977 5260 1419
Passcode: 928900
Community Engagement: Kids in the Middle Program:
Kids in the Middle is a partnership program between BPS & United Way. It is an amazing opportunity for middle school and above-aged youth to connect to something bigger than themselves. Kids in the Middle provides a safe and fulfilling opportunity for our youth to engage with their school and city communities actively. This diverse program is a testament to the power of kindness. Their youth volunteer works alongside various community agencies, including the Bristol Veterans Council, Bristol Public Library, Bristol Boys and Girls Club, local nursing homes, and food pantries. Kids in the Middle runs on the philosophy of "rising by lifting others," and their student volunteers are all heart.
Here are a few pictures from their recent night at Ingraham Manor. They had a Valentine's Gingerbread House Decorating Craft Night with the residents. Kids in the Middle supplied all the materials, and students from Chippens Hill and KIM Alumni from BEHS & BCHS assisted with the decorations. Please see the pictures from the event below.
Edgewood Update:
We are excited to welcome our Edgewood Pre K Academy students and staff "back to school" this Monday, March 3rd. I want to thank Principal LeVasseur and her team for welcoming our LEAD program students to West Bristol. BPS Central Staff will be at the BECC/Senior Center and at West Bristol on Monday to assist in transitioning to the new locations. This reopening would not have been possible without the dedicated efforts of so many. I want to thank Mrs. Sugarman for her leadership and unwavering commitment throughout this process. Her guidance has been invaluable in ensuring a smooth and thoughtful transition.
We would also like to recognize our incredible faculty and staff for their careful planning, flexibility, and tireless work to prepare for the reopening. Most importantly, we want to sincerely thank our families for your support, patience, and understanding during this unprecedented closure. Your partnership and encouragement made all the difference, and we are grateful for your trust as we worked through these challenges together. As always, the phrase “Bristol is All Heart” rings true. The care, collaboration, and community spirit shown throughout this process reflect the very best of our school community.
National School Social Worker Week:
March 2nd-8th, 2025, is National School Social Worker Week, which recognizes their crucial role in supporting students' academic, social, and emotional well-being. This year's National School Social Worker Worker Theme is "Social Work: Compassion + Action". This theme highlights social workers' vital role in advocating for communities, families, and individuals. This week, we honor their tireless dedication, empathy, and the invaluable services they provide. We are grateful for their work and the difference they make every day in the lives of our students. Thank you for all that you do!
Thank you, PTA and PTOs:
Over the past three months, I have had the opportunity to tour and meet with the PTAs and PTOs in our school district. I want to thank each of our educators, staff, and administration for partnering with our educators, staff, and administration to ensure that our students have the resources and opportunities they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Your hard work, whether organizing events, supporting teachers, or raising essential funds for school initiatives, helps create a stronger, more connected school environment. I met with Melinda Gladden, the Vice President of Inclusivity and Outreach for CT PTA earlier this week. She affirmed that the organization serves local units by providing valuable resources, training, grants, and more. Please take a look at their website: CT PTA. Ms. Gladden can be reached by email at mgladdenlcsw@gmail.com.
In Partnership,
Iris White
Schedule a tour to see our incredible facilities firsthand, meet our dedicated faculty members, and talk to current students about why they love it here.
Have questions? We’re here to help. Contact us to speak directly to one of our enrollment specialists who will answer any lingering questions.
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March 7, 2025
Good Afternoon, Please find my weekly update below. Have a great weekend. In partnership, Iris White Acting Superintendent of Schools Read Across America Day : This past Monday, I and members. . .
February 28, 2025
Good Afternoon, Please see my weekly update below. Have a wonderful weekend! Clifton, Larson and Allen (CLA) Audit Report: The next Board of Education Meeting will occur this Wednesday, March . . .
February 27, 2025
Dear BPS Community, I am pleased to announce the Bristol Board of Education approved Mrs. Mary Hawk's appointment as Acting Deputy Superintendent this evening. Principal Hawk brings 30 years of dedi. . .
February 21, 2025
Good Afternoon, I hope everyone has had a good week. My Superintendent's Weekly Update is below. Have a wonderful weekend. UBI Donation: A special thank you to Edward Bohnwagner, CEO, and Fred Br. . .
February 13, 2025
Good Afternoon, I hope everyone is having a good week. Please see my Weekly Update below. This update will also be posted on our website. Please note that all Bristol Public Schools and Programs will . . .
February 5, 2025
Good afternoon, Due to the impending storm tomorrow, all Bristol Public Schools and Offices will be closed on Thursday, February 6th, 2025. Stay safe. In partnership, Iris White Acting Superintende. . .
Our Departments
We offer a wide variety of departments designed to help students succeed in Bristol Public Schools
Pupil Personnel Services provides provides SpEd and 504 students with specially designed, high-quality instruction to enhance each student’s academic, social/emotional and behavioral development in the least restrictive environment
We belive that music is a vital component in developing the whole child and that an education in music will develop the life-long abilities and aesthetic skills necessary to contribute to a more cultures, educated society.
At Bristol, athletics is to compete, work with others, develop sportsmanship and establish personal healthy habits
Provide students with healthy, nutritious and appealing foods in a timely manner and in a pleasant environment every day
Focused ensuring the safe and reliable transportation of students to and from our schools and associated activities.
Click here to explore the rest of Bristol Public Schools Departments